nancywaldmanAug 14, 2015No Place to HideThe other day while we were taking our evening walk, he told me about a “stupid mistake” (is there any other kind?) he’d made. Then he...
nancywaldmanDec 4, 2012The PitchAs for the book itself, I’m still not sure about my title, “Plasticity.” I like it and it fits the subject matter, but it probably sells...
nancywaldmanNov 2, 2012Day 2 – ScrivenerI’ll let you know when that day comes. I worked on the Pitch again. It’s getting closer. Still not ready to post it on the Nanowrimo...
nancywaldmanOct 31, 2012A Month of WordsIn case there is anyone out there who doesn’t know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s an idea, a concept, a...
nancywaldmanJun 15, 2012Author InterviewsThird Person Press is coming out with Unearthed, Volume 3 of The Speculative Elements Series in late June. In a lead-up to this release,...
nancywaldmanMay 28, 2010Shiny and New[singlepic id=7 w=320 h=240 float=left]Getting a writing project to the completed draft stage is delightful, but there’s a downside. If...