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Unearthed Reviewed


Derek Newman-Stille of Speculating Canada writes in his glowing and interesting review of Unearthed [Third Person Press]:

Once again Third Person Press has illustrated the incredible speculative work of Cape Breton authors with the third instalment of their Speculative Elements Series: UnEarthed.

In discussing the anthology, Derek says,

The Earth theme serves as a great platform for the classic speculative quality of questioning the hidden aspects of the world around us, and encompasses the horror element of turning the normative, the predictable, the familiar into an unpredictable quality, an unsettling of the norms around us. The stories in this volume range from stories that feature alien mud worlds, spirits of the landscape, zombies crawling from their earthen graves to question ideas of conformity, threats from and to the natural world, buried memories, things hidden beneath the earth, social issues that are buried to make society seem more civilised, the animal buried beneath the surface of human civility, the haunting nature of the past, and notions of home made unfamiliar or violated.

Derek, a PhD candidate, uses his blog to highlight speculative fiction by Canadian writers:

This site has been created in response to the overwhelming number of people who are surprised that Canadian literature includes the fantastic. Canadian SF, fantasy, and horror have been cast into a literary ghetto under the power structure of CanLit, and cast as either inferior literatures, or literatures that are not ‘of here’, i.e. from abroad. Yet, Canadian speculative fiction has a long history in Canada and engages with ideas of Canadian identity, belonging, and concepts of nationhood, place and space (both ‘the final frontier’ type, and the geographical).

I’m grateful to Derek for his kinds words about this collection. It’s high-time that Third Person Press and, more importantly, Cape Breton authors are getting the wider recognition they deserve.

But wait…there’s more! Derek reviews Steph Snow‘s story in Unearthed—“Dog Fight”— here.

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