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Last year, an online acquaintance—Gary Henderson—from my Second Life writing group—The Quillians—got accepted to Viable Paradise Writer’s Workshop. I had never heard of it. I now know how “out of it” that makes me…but the point is that I finally did hear of it. I was impressed with what Gary had to say about it because if anything, his enthusiasm was greater after the experience than before, and that’s saying something.

I decided, sometime during the ensuing year, to apply. I had written an SF novel with the help of last year’s Nanowrimo, that I felt was worthy enough to submit, but in an early enough stage to need the kind of help that the workshop would offer. I polished my application to the best of my ability and sent it out around the end of May.

Viable Paradise Writer's Workshop


I found out last week that I am IN! I am delighted and honoured!

The soon-to-be-legendary VP-XVII group is already bonding through online groups, twitter and, for the geographically lucky ones, through other RL means. I have a roommate, Mary Garber, who I look forward to meeting in person. Most of all, I can’t wait to soak up the communal, practical wisdom of the awesome staff and participants.

Here is the info from the VP home page:

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